Quick Start


Just use:

pip install django-postgres-tweaks

As the title says it already, these tools are designed to be used in Django projects/apps. So make sure to add postgres_utils or postgres_utils.apps.PostgresUtilsConfig to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your project’s settings.py!

That’s it.



The lookups provided by this package/app are automatically loaded when the app is installed. You can go ahead and just use them like Django’s built-in lookups, e.g.:

Pizza.objects.filter(name__noregex="[ ]+")

Assume you have a model called Pizza with a name field.


Like the DB functions provided by Django, e.g. in django.db.models.functions, you need to import them prior to usage. An example query looks like this:

   .annotate(onion_color=RegexpReplace("name", " *Onion$", ""))\
   .values("name", "onion_color")\